Sherman Education Foundation

  • primary focus of the Sherman Education Foundation is to provide creative educational programs, 艾滋病教育, faculty and staff development opportunities, curricular enhancements, and other innovative solutions to meet identified educational needs of Sherman students which are beyond the basic educational program of the 谢尔曼ISD. 


    • Provide funds to campuses throughout 谢尔曼ISD for education enrichment.
    • Establish a variety of opportunities for businesses and individuals to financially support 谢尔曼ISD through a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
    • Engage community involvement and awareness through our annual 成功圈 Recognition event and the SEF Arts Fest Run.

Donation Information

  • 的re are a number of opportunities available to support SEF: 

    • 纪念礼物 
    • 荣誉的礼物
    • Payroll Deduction for SISD Employees
    • Event Sponsorships
    • 一般捐款
    • 遗留的砖


    的 谢尔曼ISD Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowable by the Internal Revenue Service.

    税我.D. #75-1633914



    • Edwin Clark, President
    • Eric Kloppers, Treasurer

Executive Committee

    • Eric Kloppers, Finance Chair
    • Megan Brown, Programs & 操作的椅子
    • Amanda Phillips, Fundraising Chair
    • Jennifer Shelby, Trustee Development Chair
    • Rylee Arnot, 通信 Chair